After the interview, you will be subjected to a clinical examination. The doctor and the assistant will collect all the exams previously carried out, which we kindly ask you to take with you. Old radiographs and plaster models of the mouth may also be useful.

Accurate examinations will be carried out, which include a diagnostic examination of both the inside of the oral cavity and the face, with particular attention to the aesthetic analysis of the smile. Possible articular and muscular problems will be evaluated, which may be further investigated through a visit with one of our trusted specialists (gnathologist), aimed at highlighting the occlusal correlations and muscular-articular disorders.

For as complete data collection as possible, radiographic examinations will be carried out (we will detect from a minimum of 4 up to 21 intraoral plates and / or an orthopantomography) and we will proceed to the detection of dental impression (traditional or through optical scanning) to obtain the arch models. Finally a series of extra and intraoral photographs will be taken, which will allow to optimize the therapeutic plan and then to make comparisons with the starting situation.

Within our structure it is also possible to perform the CBCT (3D radiography), an examination necessary to plan accurately the insertion of the implants in a three-dimensional manner or to evaluate the relationship of the inferior alveolar nerve with the roots of wisdom teeth.

The analysis of all the diagnostic documents, added to the symptoms reported during the personal interview, will provide the dentist with a precise picture of your personal clinical situation. The study of your case will conclude with the preparation of a therapeutic plan, aimed at restoring the functional and aesthetic health of your mouth.