Orthodontic therapy plays an increasingly important role when there is a need to "move" the teeth to obtain optimal aesthetic and functional results. We can use it to target the bone growth of the youngest as well as within a prosthetic treatment plan in which implants are provided. Or again, thanks to the use of so-called invisible masks, to improve the smile with a discreet device.

Collaboration with an expert orthodontist allows us to offer effective treatments to both children and adults to treat malposition and consequent malocclusion of the teeth.

Through fixed and mobile orthodontic appliances, we can face all aesthetic problems, bringing back crooked teeth to the correct position and thus giving harmony to the smile.

At the same time, however, we are going to intervene on a functional level, preventing wider problems: for the youngest, the treatment plan will be built to guide bone growth correctly; for adults, who increasingly use orthodontic treatments, the optimal arrangement of the teeth through the appliance can help treat important diseases of the oral cavity, with surprising results. Orthodontic treatment can be part of a more complete treatment plan, which includes osseointegrated implants and prosthetic rehabilitations, and must therefore be included in a personalized case study.

If the clinical conditions allow it, we can plan a treatment with the invisible masks of the Invisalign system, which aligns the teeth through a series of so-called customized aligners. The masks are completely transparent, they are replaced every two to three weeks and are removable during meals or when brushing your teeth, allowing you to practice good oral hygiene.

It is the ideal solution for those who want to find a dazzling smile without resorting to metal attacks and with a minimal aesthetic impact. However, there are situations in which this innovative system is not suitable. In these cases, we can consider to adopt ceramic aesthetic attachments, less visible than metallic ones.

This therapy can involve children and young people who, during the early stages of growth, find themselves having a permanent tooth "trapped" inside the bone, often in a horizontal position. This inconvenience almost always concerns the upper canine, the last that makes its way to take the place of its milk tooth in the dental arch, and therefore has some more difficulties in finding the free space to erupt. The causes can be different, not least an overcrowding of the teeth, which sometimes forces the permanent canine to adopt an incorrect growth direction.

In these cases it is necessary to resort to orthodontics to move the already spilled teeth that block the included canine, so that the latter is guided until it finds the space and the right way to tick. If needed, we can just go get him and help him get off, using a simple orthodontic traction maneuver.

Unless it is now completely fused with the bone, it is always advisable to make sure that an included tooth descends into its optimal position, and this applies in particular to the upper canine, fundamental for a correct occlusion as it is the element that guides the disclusion movement of the mouth and the laterality of our teeth. In addition, the presence of an included tooth in adulthood could be a problem if it were necessary to resort to implants or to any type of intervention in the concerned bone area.