In recent years DentalBreraClinic has developed a peculiar organizational model based on the specificity of skills: today we talk about team working to create osmosis of ideas and experiences, to respond to the increasingly varied needs of patients and to offer an exclusive and personalized service. The DentalBreraClinic team is periodically supported by specialized external professionals who contribute to forming a multidisciplinary group capable of dealing with any oral cavity problem.
In DentalBreraClinic the development of scientific activity concerning the clinical part is always accompanied by a training activity aimed at the team: doctors, assistants, hygienists and secretarial staff constantly follow professional refresher courses in order to best apply the protocols.
From the first interview, at DentalBreraClinic we try to establish an empathic relationship with the patient to put him at ease, understand his needs or fears, establish a relationship of trust and get to build a shared care path with him. To do this, recourse is made to "narrative medicine": the acquisition of data from multiple points of view through listening to the patient's clinical and personal history.