What is the Silver Project?

The Silver Project aims to create a personalized treatment path dedicated to the patient over 65 who will gradually guide him through a serious preventive activity.

The founding element of the Silver Project is the interdisciplinary approach to patient care: the actual clinical activity carried out in DentalBreraClinic is supported and completed by a team of specialists such as the gnathologist, the oral pathologist and the nutritionist.

To follow the patient in a constant way, a new figure has been introduced in the team: the therapeutic coordinator, a dentist who talks with the patient, follows his treatment plan and his general health, establishes contacts with the colleagues who have him in care and - if necessary - with family members.

The research, the study of systemic pathologies and their correlation with the health of the oral cavity, will join the Observatory of Dentistry of the third age, a unique project developed within DentalBreraClinic by a specially assembled Scientific Committee of specialists.

Research material and case studies will also be used for information meetings for general practitioners, specialists and geriatricians.